A automobile with an exclamation point across it is how this VW warning light appears. If it is yellow, your hybrid system is malfunctioning, and you should take it in as soon as you can for service. Stop the car and seek help if the same symbol is red.
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What does the exclamation point in VW mean?
This usually only implies that you left your parking brake engaged. If you’ve checked everything and the parking brake is engaged, it’s possible that your brake fluid level is low. Your antilock brakes are malfunctioning if both the yellow ABS symbol and the yellow light are on. Bring your car in for a quick top-off and inspection for the latter two.
Red Interdictory Circle with a ‘P’ in Center
This one indicates a failing parking brake, whereas the previous one indicates that it is engaged. We advise attempting to find somewhat flat parking spaces if this light is on and you can’t immediately bring your car in for service.
Red Battery Symbol
One of two things can be inferred from this: 1. You have a dead battery. 2. Not enough power is being output by your alternator. This may usually be resolved by jumping your car or utilizing a battery charger. We advise investing in a new battery and having the alternator in your car inspected.
Red Gear with a Thermometer in Center
Stop at once if this one starts. This one indicates an overheated transmission. Arrive at a secure stop, engage park, and turn off your car. It should chill off. If this occurs, we advise bringing your car in as soon as possible because it could seriously harm the transmission.
Red Oil Can and Yellow Exclamation Point next to Gauge
Immediately stop if this one appears, just like the previous one. This symbol denotes no oil pressure as opposed to the yellow oil can’s simple meaning of low oil pressure. This warning light is accompanied by a three-beep sound warning. Turn off your car right away. Your engine would suffer terribly if you operate it continuously without oil pressure.
What does the dash light with the exclamation point mean?
On a typical day, you’re driving down the road when all of a sudden you see a light starting to flash on the dashboard of your car. It’s one of the many warning lights on your car. You don’t exactly recall what this one means, though, and you don’t have time to consult your car’s manual.
This one is rather simple to recognize. If you see a circle with “ABS” in the center, your antilock braking system is malfunctioning and needs to be checked out by a professional right away.
A key-shaped symbol standing above the water means that there is a problem with your engine that is causing it to overheat and reach dangerously high temperatures.
The tire pressure warning light is a symbol that resembles an exclamation point enclosed in a horseshoe. This alerts you if your tires aren’t precisely inflated with air. To solve this issue, visit a nearby air pump.
If you notice a sign that resembles the sun on your dashboard, one of your car’s external lights probably isn’t working properly. You should swap out that broken lamp if you’re going to be doing any nighttime driving soon!
What does a Volkswagen’s yellow triangle with an exclamation point signify?
An automated gearbox transmission problem is indicated by a cog with an exclamation mark.
What does a red exclamation point in an automobile mean?
The small exclamation point enclosed in a half-circle on modern cars’ tire pressure monitors simply denotes that one or more of your tires are underinflated. If you see this sign, try not to panic. Instead, locate a secure location to pause and check your tires. Make your way cautiously to the closest gas station to add air if they appear a little low. After topping off the tires, this light should automatically turn off on the majority of vehicles.
What does a yellow triangle in an automobile with an exclamation point mean?
This indicator does not directly identify a specific issue; rather, it alerts you to the existence of a Critical Warning Message that you should read as soon as possible. The triangle with an exclamation point is actually a catch-all warning light intended to inform you of problems that your other lights won’t pick up on!