How To Read Mitsubishi Vin Numbers

See how each digit or segment in the 17-digit string is decoded in the VIN decoding diagram below.

Each character or group of characters found in a Mitsubishi VIN represents a specific piece of vehicle data, such as the model and year of the car, its make, the location of its manufacturing, and more.

Here is an example Mitsubishi VIN that we have decoded using the above diagram and the decoding charts: JA4AP3AU1HZ011769.

  • JNation of Origin (Japan)
  • AManufacturer (Mitsubishi)
  • 4Type of Vehicle (Passenger Car)
  • (ES/4dr/Crossover/5M/Outlander Sport) AP3AUDescription
  • Year Model H (2017)
  • Assembly Facility (Okazaki, Japan)
  • Production Sequence Number: 011769

What each digit in a VIN means?

The country where the car was made is indicated by the first character of the VIN. VINs with the first three digits 1, 4, and 5 are produced in this country. The third number or letter is used by the car maker to specify the type of car, truck, bus, etc. that is being manufactured.

What do a VIN’s first three numbers mean?

Have you ever wondered where your VIN number originated? All new automobiles produced in the US must have a distinctive 17-digit VIN, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. With the exception of I, O, and Q, it is made up of letters and numbers. Starting with the 1981 model year, this happened.

World manufacturer identifier (WMI).

  • The vehicle identification number’s initial three characters are these (VIN). The first digit denotes the nation of manufacture of your car. The second digit identifies the producer and the factory where your car was made. The vehicle type is represented by the third digit along with the first two digits. Manufacturer identities, or WMIs, must be provided to nations and manufacturers by the Society of Automotive Engineers.

Vehicle descriptor section.

  • These are the characters that are in positions four through eight. It is used to establish the vehicle type, model type, and body style of the vehicle in accordance with local rules. Each manufacturer has a particular method to use this field. For determining the engine type, many manufacturers used the eighth digit.

North American check digits.

  • The check digit, which is required for automobiles in North America, is represented by position nine. It verifies the VIN, which is necessary for computers to tell us if there is an error or problem.

th digit.

  • It displays the year the car was manufactured. The years are listed in the table below. For instance, the car is a 2013 model if the 10th digit is “D.”

What does a VIN number’s second digit indicate?

The second digit identifies the producer and the area where your car was made. The kind or manufacturing division of your car is indicated by the third digit when combined with the first two.

On a Mitsubishi automobile, where is the model number located?

On the driver’s side of your car, just above the dashboard, close to where the windshield joins the dash, is where you may find your VIN.


The nation of origin or ultimate processing facility is indicated by the first digit of the VIN number. For instance, the numerals 1, 4, and 5 denote the United States, whereas 2 denotes Canada and 3 denotes Mexico. WMI ratings are given to nations and companies by the Society of Automotive Engineers. The manufacturer’s identifying digit follows, such as “G” for General Motors, “C” for Chrysler, and “B” for BMW.

The type of vehicle, such as whether it is a truck, SUV, or automobile, may be determined by the third digit when coupled with the first two. A Chevrolet truck’s VIN, for instance, would begin with “1GC.” G for General Motors, C for Truck, and 1 for the US, the nation of origin

Vehicle Identification Section (VIS)

Model year is the tenth digit. Years can be quickly determined using the table below. Therefore, if the 10th digit is a “D,” the car is a 2013 model.

How is a VIN code read?

Learn how to read your car’s VIN if you prefer DIY repairs and spend a lot of time working on the engine. This will make it simple to locate the precise components for your car, allowing you to prolong the useful life of your trusty old engine.

Here, we examine the meaning of each digit in a VIN code and how it might be used to learn more about your car.

First 3 DigitsWorld Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)

The first three digits of the VIN are known as the WMI and identify the manufacturer, the country of origin, and the particular division within the manufacturer.

Keep the following in mind:

  • North America, 15
  • Australia and New Zealand are 6-7
  • South America 89

Digits 4-8Vehicle Descriptor

The car’s engine size, safety features, and body style are all described in the next five figures.

The fourth digit provides information about the model-specific features of the car, such as supplementary safety data.

This represents the precise series of a certain model, which is typically indicated by a letter.

The 6th and 7th digits indicate the type of car and its body style, such as convertible, saloon, or hatchback.

The eighth digit, which typically takes the form of a letter, indicates the size of the car’s engine. This ensures that you can discover a spare that is an exact match for the engine type, which is incredibly handy if you’re buying replacement parts for your car.

th Digit

The “check digit” is used to confirm the validity of the vehicle identification number (VIN) code. The check number should line up with the remaining VIN digits using some intricate math that we won’t go over here. Since it needs some complex math, it is challenging to determine whether a VIN is legitimate on your own, but an online VIN decoder should be able to inform you.

th Digit

The tenth digit, which may be a letter or a number depending on the age of the vehicle, displays the precise year of manufacture. The table below allows you to determine a car’s year of production using the VIN number. fantastic if you want to verify its legality before purchasing or if it has a personalized license plate.

How can I determine the size of my engine from my VIN number?

The year, make, and model of your car are always requested at auto parts retailers. However, they also require information regarding your engine. Don’t know exactly what’s inside or what year it is? VIN numbers can be used to determine engine size. On the driver’s side of your windshield, locate it in the lowest corner. Your vehicle identifying number, or VIN, can be used to determine the size of your engine.

The model year is indicated by the tenth number from the left, while the engine codes are indicated by the eighth number. You only need to mention those two characters to the store clerk to get started.

How can I determine the size of my engine?

The size of your car’s engine is listed on the window sticker. On top of the window sticker, it will be listed under the heading “Vehicle Description.”

The 10th character in the 17-character VIN represents the vehicle model-year.

Note: For model year identification, VINs do not contain the letters I I O (o), Q (q), U (u), Z (z), or the number 0.

What does a VIN number’s seventh digit represent?

Positions one through three of the VIN are occupied by this three-digit alpha-numeric code. It gives information about the vehicle’s maker and country of production. You may find out the manufacturer’s broad geographic area by looking at the first digit of the WMI. The origin country is indicated by the second. The manufacturer is indicated by the third digit. In addition, the third digit was used from 1981 to 2010 to denote the type of vehicle.

Positions 4-8: Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS)

The fourth to eighth digits are set aside to capture descriptive elements of the vehicle. From the perspective of decoding, this is the meat of the VIN. This is where you can find almost all of the useful data that is encoded in a VIN. The manufacturer is still in charge of some of the captured car components, though. The fact that each manufacturer uses a different system to encode information into the VIN further complicates matters. The kind and amount of information varies from one manufacturer to the next. Model, engine, body type, drive type, restraint system, and GVW Range (for Light Duty Vehicles and MPVs) are among the typical data that is always recorded.

All light duty/passenger vehicles must utilize the fourth digit to indicate the category of vehicle starting with MY2010.

Position 9: The Check Digit / Vehicle Checksum

The ninth digit of the VIN is utilized as a check digit, which can be calculated to confirm the accuracy of a VIN that has been encountered. The check digit can be any integer between 0 and 9, as well as the symbol “X,” which, for mathematical reasons, represents the number 10. The check digit and the validating characters I, O, and Q are used by VIN decoders to check the validity of a VIN. Although it is only necessary in North America, it is widely used overseas.

Position 10: Model Year

For all US automobiles, the model year must be recorded in the 10th digit. For position 10, 30 characters are permitted (I,O,Q,U,Z and 0 are excluded). Since the VIN Standard has been in use for more than 30 years, the 7th digit should be taken into consideration when determining the model year of a vehicle. The model year is between 1981 and 2009 if the seventh digit is a numeric. It is MY2010 or later if it is an alpha character.

Position 12-17: The Serial Number

This is the last part of the VIN that was allocated in order. Digits 1214 are awarded to small manufacturers who produce fewer than 500 automobiles annually to uniquely identify them.